Call us: +1 970 .331.1136 for world class concierge service 
"Abs are created in the kitchen". Nutrition is the keystone to a healthy lifestyle and we blend ancient and modern philosophy to create a unique platform for you to succeed. Lets face it there is a new fad diet every other week it seems touting "dramatic" results and too good to be true statements like "eat ANYTHING you want and still lose weight", our approach is that we want to create a LIFESTYLE that can be easily followed and modified as your life and circumstances change. Our focus is on inches not pounds and feeling rather than appearance, yes we all want that cut beach body but what is more important is how you feel, how do your clothes fit, how does it feel getting up and down out of chair, can you play with your children, take the dog for a walk, make love and the list goes on. 


Massage & Manual Medicine

Because not just one size fits all


Unlike a "spa" massage our work is targeted to maximize results.  


When you are on the table you will be expected to participate, this is active engagement and ROM which helps the therapist determine a course of action best suited to your particular needs. 


An effective massage is predicated on the bodies ability to relax, therefore treatment styles will vary in pressure and speed, sometimes we must "slow down" to "speed up" 


Each session is methodically planned out to ensure synergy between all other modalities in the treatment plan.


My real journey into the healing space came through massage therapy and the incredible results I experienced as a semi professional athlete, this led to going to massage school. After owning and operating a Medical Massage business for 4 years I realized that there was so much more to learn and to offer, thus began my love affair with all forms of manual medicine which led to acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine and ultimately to functional medicine.  
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